












•New Jersey has a population of 8.8 million, the 11th largest population in the US. Combined with its small size, this makes it the most densely populated state in the nation.

•The state’s Atlantic City was the original inspiration for the Monopoly board game.

•New Jersey was one of the original 13 colonies to break away from Britain, so is represented by one of the 13 stripes on the US flag.

•Over 92% of the population of New Jersey lives in urban areas with a population of 50,000 or more, the highest proportion in the US.

•New Jersey has more horses per square mile than any other state. The United States Equestrian Team is headquartered in Gladstone, NJ.

•The first ever drive-in cinema was opened in the city of Camden, New Jersey in 1933.

•New Jersey has more diners per person than any other state.

•The first ever baseball game was played in Hoboken, New Jersey in 1846, when Alexander Cartwright's Knickerbockers played the New York Baseball Club (the New York Baseball Club won).

•Famous New Jerseyans include inventor Thomas Edison (though he was born elsewhere he worked and lived in New Jersey), musicians Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi, musicians Frank Sinatra and Jay-Z, poet Allen Ginsberg, author Philip Roth and actors James Gandolfini and Meryl Streep.

•新泽西有880万人口,是美国第11大人口。加上它的小面积,这使它成为 全国人口最稠密的州 。这个州的大西洋城是垄断局的最初灵感来源。新泽西是最初13个从英国分离出来的殖民地之一,美国国旗上的13条条纹之一代表着该州。



•1933年, 第一家免下车电影院 在新泽西州的卡姆登开业。



•著名的新泽西人包括发明家托马斯·爱迪生(尽管他出生在其他地方,他在新泽西工作和生活),音乐家布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷和乔恩·邦·乔维,音乐家弗兰克·辛纳屈和jay – z,诗人艾伦·金斯堡,作家菲利普·罗斯和演员詹姆斯·甘多菲尼和梅丽尔·斯特里普。


Although currently most monly known within popular culture as the home of the Soprano family, and more recently the tan-happy ‘guidos’ and ‘guidettes’ of Jersey Shore as well as the pampered Real Housewives of New Jersey living it up in newly built mansions across the state, New Jersey has much more to offer in term of its strong economy, culture and education. Find out why you should study in New Jersey, and discover the state’s top universities below.The most densely populated state in the US, New Jersey is only slightly bigger than Rhode Island, Delaware and Connecticut, the three smallest. Located in the north-east of the nation just south of New York, New Jersey is populated with the metropolitan spillover from nearby states, most notably from New York City but also Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Baltimore, Maryland. This spillover accounts for the density of the population, but also means New Jersey is a lively and diversified urban hub with plenty to do and see.

The state is not only home to more scientists and engineers per square mile than anywhere else in the world, but it is also the second wealthiest state in terms of median household ine, trailing only slightly behind its neighbor Maryland. The geography of New Jersey is just as diverse as its residents, with wooded mountains in the northwest, the Pine Barrens in the south, a 217 mile coastline to the east, and heavily populated, small urban neighborhoods all around.If you are considering undertaking study in New Jersey, you’ll be interested to know that five universities in New Jersey are ranked among the world’s best in the 2013/14 QS World University Rankings, including one member of the prestigious Ivy League.

尽管目前最常在流行文化中被称为女高音的家家庭和最近tan-happy‘男女的称号guidos’和‘guidettes泽西海岸以及新泽西生活的真正的家庭主妇在新建豪宅。新泽西州更有其强劲的经济、文化和教育的范围。接下来找出你为什么要在新泽西学习,并在下面发现该州的顶尖大学吧。美国人口最稠密的州,新泽西州只比罗德岛、特拉华和康涅狄格稍微大一点。新泽西州位于美国东北部,位于纽约州的南部,人口稠密,主要来自邻近的州,最著名的城市是纽约、费城、宾夕法尼亚和马里兰州的巴尔的摩也是如此。这种溢出效应是人口密度的原因,同时也意味着新泽西州是一个充满活力和多样化的城市中心,有很多可以做和看的地方。该州不仅是世界上每平方英里的科学家和工程师的家园,而且是家庭收入中位数的第二富有的州,仅次于位于马里兰州。新泽西州的地理位置和当地居民一样多样,西北部有树木繁茂的山脉,南部有松柏,东部有217英里长的海岸线,人口密集,周围都是小城市。如果你正在考虑进行在新泽西学习,你一定会有兴趣知道新泽西州进入了2013/14 QS世界大学排名排名世界上最好的5所大学,包括著名的常春藤盟校成员之一。



For those wishing to study in New Jersey, Princeton University is the state’s most prestigious offering, ranked 10th in the 2013/14 QS World University Rankings and 7th in the US. An Ivy League institution, Princeton University is the fourth-oldest school of higher education in the country. Princeton University currently has a student body of just over 8,000 and is located in the affluent municipality of Princeton, 11 miles north of state capital Trenton and 15 miles south of New Brunswick. Notable alumni of Princeton University are writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, actor James Stewart and former presidents Wilson and Madison.

对于那些希望在新泽西州学习的学生,普林斯顿大学是国家最著名的大学之一,该校在2013/14 QS世界大学排名中排名十的和在美国排名第7。普林斯顿大学是美国第四大最古老的高等学府。普林斯顿大学目前的学生人数只有8000人,位于富裕的普林斯顿市,位于州首都特伦顿以北11英里,新布伦瑞克以南15英里。普林斯顿大学著名的校友是作家斯科特·菲茨杰拉德,演员詹姆斯·斯图尔特和前总统威尔逊和麦迪逊。

   2.罗格斯大学 – 新不伦瑞克校区

Rutgers-New Brunswick is the founding campus of the higher education system known as Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey and is ranked joint 255th in the world and 58th in the US. The Rutgers-New Brunswick campus, posed of five smaller campuses within New Brunswick and the Piscataway Township, is the largest Rutgers campus and has a student body of over 40,000 students. The main campus is located on the banks of the Raritan River, on the site of the old Rutgers College, in close proximity to downtown New Brunswick, culture, good food and recreational parks. Just across the river is the Rutgers Ecological Preserve, a nature reserve belonging to the university and covering over 370 acres. The area is popular with both the public and Rutgers students for its difficult hiking and mountain biking trails.



Located in Newark, in the University Heights neighborhood, the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) is one of four academic institutions in the area, which has given the town something of an extended student village atmosphere. Currently home to just over 10,000 students, the New Jersey Institute of Technology campus has doubled in size in the last 10 years and now offers rooftop gardens, restaurants and a bowling alley. The school also boasts leading research facilities in the fields of science and technology, including a center dedicated to applied genomics. The school is ranked 551-600 in the world and 107th in the US.

新泽西理工学院位于纽瓦克市,是该地区四个学术大学之一,它给小镇带来了一种延伸的学生乡村氛围。在过去的10年里,新泽西理工学院的学生人数增加了一倍,现在提供屋顶花园、餐馆和保龄球馆。该学校还在科学和技术领域拥有领先的研究设施,其中包括一个致力于应用基因组学的中心。这所学校在世界排名551 – 600,在美国排名第107位。


Rutgers-Newark is the second of the three campuses belonging to Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey and is ranked 551-600 in the world and 109th in the US. Once a private liberal arts college, Rutgers-Newark has a current enrollment of just over 12,000 students and holds a research-led focus. Split into several departments, including the arts and sciences, law, nursing, and business, Rutgers-Newark also has strong connections with surrounding munities. The school also holds the accolade of being the most culturally diverse university campus in the whole of the US since 1997, according to the US News & World Report.

鲁特格斯-纽瓦克是罗格斯大学三所分校中的第二所——新泽西州立大学,在世界排名551 – 600,美国排名第109。作为一所私立的文理学院,鲁特格斯-纽瓦克目前有超过1.2万名学生,并且以研究为主。罗格斯大学纽瓦克州分校被分为几个部门,包括艺术和科学、法律、护理和商业,与周边社区有着密切的联系。据《美国新闻与世界报道》报道,自1997年以来,该校一直是全美最具文化多样性的大学校园。


Ranked 701+ in the QS World University Rankings and 139th in the US, the Stevens Institute of Technology is situated in the urban region of Hoboken on the western banks of the Hudson River just across from central Manhattan, therefore boasting both fantastic views of the skyline as well as very close proximity to what is arguably the most popular city on Earth. The campus itself boasts a space of 55 acres with an enrollment of just over 5,200. Renowned for its innovational teaching and research, the school has a strong science and technology focus and was ranked as the top school in the northeast for salary potential, ahead of leading schools such as Harvard and MIT, in Payscale’s 013/14 College Salary Report.

美国史蒂文斯理工学院在QS世界大学排行榜排名701 +和139,坐落在城市地区的霍博肯在哈德逊河对面的西方银行从曼哈顿中心,因此拥有天空的奇妙的观点以及非常靠近可以说是地球上最受欢迎的城市。校园本身占地55英亩,注册人数超过5200英亩。这所学校以创新教学和研究著称,拥有强大的科学和技术研究重点,并被评为东北地区最顶尖的薪资水平学校,领先于哈佛大学和麻省理工学院等一流,详情你可参考2013 / 14年的大学薪资报告。


The capital of New Jersey is Trenton, a fairly unremarkable industrial city. Fortunately for students however, all of the top universities in New Jersey are located outside of the capital, while all still offering diversified urban culture.



Just across the Hudson River from New York City is the town of Hoboken and Jersey City, home of the Stevens Institute of Technology. Hoboken is often labeled the Big Apple’s sixth borough because of its proximity to Manhattan and the appeal of cheaper housing for New Yorkers. The city has diverse cultural influences, having been the first resting place of many immigrants entering the nation through Ellis Island. Once a blue-collar town, Hoboken has since morphed into one of nightly live music, up-market shops and high-rise condos. Liberty State Park boasts over 1,200 acres of green space, hosting open air concerts with the backdrop of the iconic Manhattan skyline. The national historic landmarks of Ellis Island and Liberty Island, home of the Statue of Liberty, are just over 600 meters away by boat.



Home of the Rutgers-New Brunswick campus, the city of New Brunswick is located on the southern bank of the Raritan River, approximately a 40-minute drive south-west of Jersey City. New Brunswick is known as “The Healthcare City” because of its high concentration of medical facilities and university hospitals, the most elite of these being Rutgers University’s Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Again a very culturally diverse city, New Brunswick has large munities of Hungarian settlers as well a growing Hispanic munity.



The largest city in the state, Newark is just eight miles west of Manhattan and is home to two of the top universities in New Jersey: Rutgers-Newark and the New Jersey Institute of Technology A hub of air, shipping and rail industries, Newark, has been nicknamed ‘The Brick City’. But really it has much more to offer, including performing arts venues hosting artists from Jay-Z to Taylor Swift, popular shopping districts, a huge sports arena, and the largest collection of cherry blossom trees in the nation at Branch Brook Park in the north.

纽瓦克是该州最大的城市,位于曼哈顿以西八英里处,是新泽西州两所顶尖大学的所在地:拉特兰-纽瓦克和新泽西理工学院是空运、航运和铁路工业的枢纽,纽瓦克被称为“砖城”。但实际上,它还有更多的东西可以提供,包括表演艺术场地的艺术家从jay – z到Taylor Swift,流行的购物区,一个巨大的运动场馆以及在北部的Branch Brook公园的全国最大的樱花树收藏。


Although perhaps best known as the home of Princeton University, Princeton is not just a college town. Equidistant from New York in the north-east and Philadelphia in the south-west, both about 50-minutes’ drive away, Princeton is a historical town that played host to the revolutionary Battle of Princeton in 1777, which saw British colonial forces defeated and was a big step towards the state’s independence from British rule.



These four student cities are just snippets of what the state has to offer. The great thing about New Jersey is that because of its size, residents can travel from Jersey City in the far north, past Staten Island, Middletown, Brick and Atlantic City, and down to the southern tip of the Cape May Peninsula, in just under two and a half hours by car. And if the idea of a long drive deters you, then stop off at any point on the way and you will be met by the famous Jersey Shore coastline. Every point along the coastal route varies in character, from the mercialized boardwalks of Wildwood to the more upscale beaches of Spring Lake.



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