




Q1:为什么汇款时输入你们提供的香港DBS 8位的Swift Code但是系统提示需要SWIFT Code是11位的?

Why does the payment page of the bank require for a 11 characters SWIFT Code instead of the 8 characters SWIFT Code provided by you?

A1:部分银行Swift Code有11位数,所以可能会要求填满11位数后才不报错哦,这种情况下可以在DBS的8位Swift Code DHBKHKHH后加 XXX,即DHBKHKHHXXX即可。

Q2:为什么汇款时输入你们提供的香港DBS SWIFT Code但是系统提示错误,称找不到对应的银行?

Why is there an error when I enter the provided SWIFT Code, regardless of using the 8 or 11 character SWIFT code format provided?

A2:SWIFT Code中是包含国家/地区信息的,我们的账号是开立在中国香港DBS的,请确认付款时勾选的国家/地区信息是香港地区,而非中国大陆。



If the Account name is too long, you can continue filling it in at the start of the beneficiary address line.

Q4:收款名称Account/Beneficiary name无论怎么输入都提示不对怎么办?

When entering the account name, I am told the account name is incorrect, what should I do?


Acceptable input characters vary between banks, please ensure the account name consists of characters acceptable by your bank. Additionally, please check that there are no unwanted characters in the entry box. If a hypen ( – ) or a dot (.) is not supported by your bank, you can use a space instead.

Q5:请告诉我,Beneficiary Address 该填什么?

What should be filled in as the Beneficiary Address to make the payment?

A5:Beneficiary Address 如下(我的实际经营地址——非收款银行地址哦)。

The Beneficiary Address should be filled in as (我的实际经营地址——非收款银行地址哦).


After making the payment I realized the Account number or Account name I entered in the payment was incorrect, what should I do?


You need to go to your bank and request that they make an ammendment to your payment, using the correct account number and account name. This will help my bank route the payment to the correct account so that I can receive the payment in my account.

有了以上5大国际汇款术语解释+6大高频双语Q&A,你就能应对买家付款时99.9%的问题啦, 无需半夜紧急求助XTransfer的客服小姐姐们,轻松收款、加速交易!


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